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Interview with Dr. Lisa Tatlock

Interviewer: Donna Morley



You will be delighted to meet Dr. Lisa Tatlock as she shares with us some new and insightful ways of pleasing God. Lisa is an associate professor of Home Economics at The Master's College in Santa Clarita. Her main joy and priority is being Mark Tatlock’s wife and the mother of two young boys.

Donna: Lisa, we’ve heard from Dr. Ennis, who told us some wonderful things about your book, Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God. Of course, the interview wouldn’t be complete without gaining your insights as well. Please share with us the importance of the book, and what makes it so unique.


Lisa: Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God is so vitally important today, as we live in a day and age that dishonors God’s Word. How easily the world could influence us, if we’re not careful! As Christian women, we want to live and think differently from that of the world. If we’re not strong in the Word, there could be a struggle. This book encourages and helps women to live out a godly life; and help her stay far from any criticism of the Word of God. Just imagine if we were to claim that we believe God and His Word, but then lived a disobedient life....surely we would be dishonoring the Word! I’m sure we can all say in our hearts...“may this never be!”


        In answer the second part of your question, this book is unique because it focuses on the character we should have as Christian women. It also provides practical skills to implement the Titus 2 mandate.


Donna: Explain why “leaving and cleaving” is so important to the marriage relationship, as well as, what threatens our ability to “leave and cleave?”


Lisa: We’re all familiar with the beginning of the marriage institution when God said that “a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). But, many of us don’t think about what this really means.


        The “leaving” is the first part of God’s plan for marriage. Leaving means “loosen, relinquish, or forsake. The first step in establishing “oneness” in marriage is to leave.


        “Cleaving” is the second part of God’s plan for marriage. Cleaving means “to cling, to adhere, to hold fast”, like glue. One husband clings to one wife, one marriage unit is established. The “one flesh” implies unity.


        There are a few threats to God’s admonition of “leaving and cleaving. One is simple ignorance. Some women simply have a lack of knowledge of God’s Word. There is indecision. Some women fail to leave the original family unit, unable to transfer authority from dad to husband. Influence also plays a factor—there are personal fears, secular agendas, some things can have control or power over us, and more.


Donna: Along with dealing with the above threats you just mentioned, what else can a woman do to protect her marriage?


Lisa: She can learn, really, we can all learn, to practice a more mature love. That involves communication and commitment. It also involves touch—the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.


Donna: You have so many more wise things to say about marriage, such as the primary and secondary purposes in marriage. I highly recommend our readers to take a look at what Lisa has to say. But, for now, let’s switch gears to the topic of contentment. Dr. Ennis shared with us some of her thoughts about it, what would you like to add....how can a woman develop a heart of contentment in the midst of difficult life circumstances?


Lisa: I first think of the apostle Paul when it comes to contentment. He tells us that he had to learn to be content in any and every circumstance (Philippians 4:11-12). What an encouragement! I can learn to be content!


        Contentment is having “ease of mind or satisfaction.” We can each ask ourselves, “Do I have ‘ease of mind or satisfaction’ in all areas of my life? If we aren’t living a life of contentment right now, there are three truths found in scripture that can help us.


        The first is God’s sovereignty, “…having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11). Sovereignty means that God is the supreme authority who ordains/allows all life circumstances to accomplish His divine purpose/will. God allows what I define as good and bad to accomplish His divine purpose in my life.


        Secondly, there is God’s goodness, “How great is thy goodness, which thou has stored up for those who fear Thee” (Psalm 31:19). Goodness is a part of God’s character, not our circumstances---this gives us permanent hope. I can always have hope, joy, peace, despite my circumstances because God’s goodness is a part of His character, not based on my life circumstances.


        Lastly, we can look to God’s work, “who can speak of the mighty deeds of the Lord, or can show forth all His praise?” (Psalm 106:2) The Lord is at work – intentionally, lovingly completing a unique work to fulfill His purpose and His plan for our lives. He’s literally conforming our character to His. This is why we need to refuse to compare ourselves or life circumstances with others – God’s work is indeed a unique work.


Donna: What are some ways we can put contentment into practice?


Lisa: Practicing contentment isn’t always easy. Remember, Paul himself had to learn contentment. We too can learn, in practical ways. First, we can wait with joy—choose to rejoice. Secondly, we can maximize the time we have and develop our skills. Thirdly, we can pursue the interest of others—we can invest our life in the life of others. We can also, study God’s Word to renew our mind. Lastly, we can pursue a discipleship/mentor relationship for accountability and encouragement.


Donna: Please share with us why women need to be trained in order to manage their homes with excellence?


Lisa: As Christian women, our primary domain for influence is in the home. We set the tone in our homes for orderliness and organization. If we take a look at the woman in Proverbs 31, we see a very skilled worker in a variety of areas. She worked hard to meet, as well as, anticipate the needs of her family. To be successful in our management, we might need to receive training. Taking a look at Titus 2:3-5, we see those three words, “worker at home.” This is actually a two part word in the Greek. Oikos means “a dwelling, a home, or a household.” Ergon means “to work or be employed. This literally means “employed at home.” We are shown in 1 Timothy 5:14 that we are to “manage the house.” This means ALL aspects of family and home life, not just raising the children. Women need training because home management is just as much about your sills as it is about your character.


Donna: Share with us some principles of planning and organization.


Lisa: Let me start by saying to each and every woman---your family will only be as organized as you are! I encourage all women to take time to plan; to organize yourself before your family; anticipate family ne