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Continue....Part Three


Saturday, March 17th in prison

The following Saturday, the 17th day of March, before master Jean de La Fontaine, appointed by ourselves the aforesaid bishop and the said Jean Le Maistre, vicar of the Inquisitor, in the presence of the venerable and discreet lords and masters Nicolas Midi, and Gérard Feuillet, doctors of theology, of Ysambard de La Pierre and Jean Massieu, the said Jeanne was required to take oath and took oath.

Asked then in what guise and shape, size and dress, St. Michael came to her, she answered: "He was in the guise of a most upright man"; and touching the dress and other things she would answer no more. As for the angels, she saw them with her own eyes, and they would not get any more from her than that.

She said she believes what St. Michael, who appeared to her, did or said, as firmly as she believes that Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered death and passion for us. She was moved to believe it by the good counsel, comfort and good teaching which he gave her.

Asked if she wished to submit all her acts or sayings, either good or evil, to the decision of Our Mother the Church, she answered that she loved the Church and would support it with all her might for the Christian Faith: and she was not a person to be forbidden to go to church or hear Mass. As for the good


works she did, and her coming, she must commit herself to the King of Heaven who sent her to Charles, son of Charles King of France, who should be King of France. "And you will see," she said, "that the people of France will soon win a great undertaking which God will send, and which will shake almost the whole kingdom of France." And she said this so that when it should happen men might recall that she had foretold it.

Required to give the date of this event, she answered: "I refer to Our Lord."

Asked if she would submit [her deeds and words] to the decision of the Church, she answered: "I commit myself to Our Lord, Who sent me, to Our Lady, and to all the Blessed Saints of Paradise." And she thought that our Lord and the Church were all one, and therein they ought not to make difficulties for her. "Why do you make difficulties when it is all one?"

Then she was told that there is the Church Triumphant, where God is with the saints and the souls who are already saved; and also the Church Militant, that is Our Holy Father the Pope, vicar of God on earth, the Cardinals, the prelates of the Church, and the clergy and all the good Christians and Catholics: and this Church in good assembly cannot err and is governed by the Holy Spirit. Therefore she was asked if she would submit to the Church Militant, namely the Church on earth which is so called. She answered that she came to the King of France in God's name, and in the names of the Blessed Virgin and of all the Blessed Saints of Paradise, and of the Church Victorious above, and at their command; to that Church she submitted all her good deeds and all she had done or should do. And concerning her submission to the Church Militant she would answer nothing more.

Asked on the subject of the woman's dress offered her so


that she might hear Mass, she answered that she would not put it on till it should please Our Lord. And if it be that she must be brought to judgment she requests the Lords of the Church to grant her the mercy of a woman's dress and a hood for her head; she would die rather than turn back from what Our Lord commanded her; she firmly believed God would not let her be brought so low, or be presently without His help or miracle.

Asked why, if she wore man's dress at God's bidding, she asked for a woman's robe in the event of her death, she answered: "It is enough for me that it be long."

Asked if her godmother, who saw the fairies, was held to be a wise woman, she answered that she was held and reputed to be an honest woman, and not a witch or sorceress.

Asked whether her saying she would take a woman's dress if they would let her go would please God, she answered that if she were given permission to go in woman's dress she would immediately put on man's dress and do what Our Lord bade her. So she had formerly answered: and nothing would induce her to swear not to take up arms or to wear man's dress, to accomplish our Lord's will.

Asked about the age of the garments worn by St. Catherine and St. Margaret, she answered: "You already have my reply on this matter, and you will get none other from me. I have answered you as best I can."

Asked if she did not believe heretofore that the fairies were evil spirits, she answered she knew nothing of that.

Asked how she knew that St. Catherine and St. Margaret hated the English, she answered: "They love those whom God loves, and hate whom He hates."

Asked if God hated the English, she answered that of God's love or His hatred for the English, or of what He would do to their souls, she knew nothing, but she was certain that,


excepting those who died there, they would be driven out of France, and God would send victory to the French and against the English.

Asked if God was for the English when they were prospering in France, she answered that she knew not whether God hated the French, but she believed it was His will to suffer them to be beaten for their sins, if they were in a state of sin.

Asked what warrant and what help she expected to have from Our Lord by the fact that she wore man's dress, she answered that in this as in other things she sought only the salvation of her soul.

Asked what arms she offered in the church of St. Denis, she answered that she offered a whole suit of white armor, in French "un blanc harnoys," fitting for a man-at-arms, with the sword she won before Paris.

Asked to what end she offered these arms, she answered it was out of devotion, according to the habit of soldiers when they are wounded: and because she had been wounded before Paris, she offered them to St. Denis, because it was the warcry of France.

Asked if she did it so that the arms might be worshiped, she said no.

Asked what was the purpose of the five crosses which were on the sword she found at Ste. Catherine-de-Fierbois, she answered she knew nothing of it.

Asked who persuaded her to have angels with their arms, feet, legs, and robes painted on her standard, she answered: "You have my reply to that."

Asked if she had painted the angels who came to her, she answered she had them painted in the fashion in which they were painted in churches.

Asked if ever she saw them, in the manner in which they were painted, she answered: "I will not tell you more."


Asked why the light which came with the angels or voices was not painted, she answered that it was not commanded her.

The afternoon of the same day, in prison

The same Saturday afternoon, in the presence of ourself and the Vice-Inquisitor, and of the venerable and discreet doctors and masters Jean Beaupère Jacques de Turon, Nicolas Midi, Pierre Maurice and Gérard Feuillet, doctors of sacred theology, and of Thomas de Courcelles, bachelor of theology, of Jean de La Fontaine, licentiate in canon law, appointed by us; and of brother Ysambard de La Pierre and of John Grey above mentioned.

The said Jeanne was questioned if the two angels who were painted on her standard were St. Michael and St. Gabriel. She answered that they were there solely for the honor of Our Lord who was painted on the standard. And the representation of the two angels was solely for the honor of Our Lord, who was painted holding the world.

Asked if the two angels on her standard were the two angels who guard the world, and why there were not more, seeing that she was bidden to take this standard in the name of Our Lord, she answered that the whole standard was commanded by Our Lord, by the voices of St. Catherine and of St. Margaret, who said to her: "Take the standard in the name of the King of Heaven." And because they told her "Take the standard in the name of the King of Heaven," she had the figure of Our Lord and the angels painted in color on it. All this she did at God's command.

Asked if she questioned her saints whether in virtue of this standard she would win all battles in which she fought, and would be victorious, she answered they told her to take it boldly, and God would help her. Asked who was of more help, she to the standard or the


standard to her, she answered that whether the victory was hers or the standard's, it was all for Our Lord. Asked if the hope of victory was founded on the standard or on herself, she answered: "It was founded on Our Lord, and not elsewhere."

Asked whether if any one else had carried the standard he would have been as fortunate as she herself, she answered: "I do not know, and I leave it to Our Lord."

Asked whether if one of her party had sent her his standard to carry, and particularly if she had been sent the king's standard, and she had carried it, she would have had as firm a hope in that as in her own, which was given her in God's Name, she answered: "I more gladly bore that which was bidden me in God's Name; yet in all I committed myself to God."

Asked what was the purpose of the sign she put on her letters, and the names Jhesus Maria, she answered that the clerks writing her letters put them there; and some said it was proper to put the two words Jhesus Maria.

Asked whether it had not been revealed to her that she would lose her good fortune if she lost her virginity, and that her voices would no longer come to her, she answered: "That has not been revealed to me."

Asked whether she believed her voices would come to her if she were married, she answered: "I do not know and I commit myself to Our Lord."

Asked if she thought and firmly believed that her king did right to kill or cause to be killed My Lord the Duke of Burgundy, she answered that it was a great pity for the kingdom of France; but whatever there had been between these two princes, God had sent her to the aid of the King of France.

Asked touching her saying that she would answer us the said bishop and also our Commissaries as she would answer


before our Holy Father the Pope, notwithst